

If you're feeling a bit overwhelmed at the thought of overhauling your wardrobe or getting dressed for that event, you should immediately breathe a sigh of relief. Because, full disclosure, I'm barely capable of making dinner. ( Do I start with making a salad or will it wilt by the time the casserole is ready? Do I need to thaw out veggies or just pop them in the pan and hope for the best?) But I am really really good at walking into a closet, looking past the mess that you see, and coming up with a systematic plan of attack so that you live the stylish life that you've always dreamed of. I see outfits you don't see.

When I first started styling, I had one clear objective: to use fashion to empower women to dream their big dreams. From cleaning out the closets of stay at home moms to working behind the scenes at NYFW, I've learned that fashion plays an incredible role in how we meet the world. Now, I understand that I'm not performing brain surgery or sending anyone to the moon, but I've witnessed how powerful it can be have a woman go into her closet, liking every single thing she has and coming out as her best self.

I'm here to remind you that you, yes you, can own your pretty. You don't have to have a zillion dollar budget or a 25 inch waist. You’re already busy. Leave the fashion stuff to me. I'm here to help you look good, feel good, so you can do your best.

Hey, let's be friends. Follow me on IG at cryscrain and let fashion fun begin. I got you.